In response to the advice of expert committees and clinical studies performed on infants over the last ten years, the European Commission has decided to adapt its regulations (which dated back to 2006).
In response to the advice of expert committees and clinical studies performed on infants over the last ten years, the European Commission has decided to adapt its regulations (which dated back to 2006) to bring them into line with the new nutritional guidelines. Our Cooperative has been applying this new regulation since 22 February 2020, the date of its entry into force, on all formulas (first infant milk, follow-on milk and special milks). This new version requires the following changes:
Our Research & Development department has devoted two years of in-depth research to this project in order to create a product that satisfies our consumers from both a nutritional and organoleptic point of view. This new development has led us to adapt our manufacturing process and modify the inspections already in place.